About us

We are a company established in the heart of Guanajuato, in one of the most productive horticultural regions of Mexico, surrounded by fields with the highest standards of health, safety and production yields, necessary to meet the high demand of horticultural products from our distributors national and foreign.

Packing House

Main Packing House

Ours Trademarks

Main Trademarks


Generate viable and stable agricultural projects over time, to choose to create a high competitiveness capable of creating improvements in the quality of life of human beings.


Improve productive conditions and profitability based on the implementation of appropriate and sustainable technologies.


  The seriousness and commitment that allow us to maintain the trust of our customers and suppliers.

  Commitment of service of our human team to achieve, with its constant effort, the satisfaction of the client.

  Firm commitment to Quality and continuous improvement of our facilities and procedures, to anticipate the needs of the market and thus be more competitive.